Sunday, January 25, 2015
Yay! Got my First Pay!
I started working last January 5 as a Marketing/Client Service Assistant for the Corporate Banking Department of one of the Philippines' leading banks. And I got my first pay yesterday! So what did I do? Went on a shopping splurge of course! Shown above are the things I bought for myself: Starbucks tumbler, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, NYX lipstick, and a new phone case.
I bought the tumbler at the Starbucks across my office right after I got my salary because I needed it so badly! I've been getting really sleepy during work hours for the past few days and I didn't have my own tumbler to drink my coffee from. Plus, the design is really cute I couldn't help but grab it right away!
As for the coconut and castor oils, I learned from this video that mixing them together would make an effective eyebrow growth serum. I want to thicken my eyebrows so I'm giving that beauty tip a try.
Another beauty essential I bought is a matte lipstick from NYX, "Couture Mode". It's nude-toned with a hint of light pink. I love it and I'm sure I'll be wearing it everyday! I'll make a more detailed review about it in another post.
I bought that white translucent phone case because my current one is already dirty. In addition to that new case, I also had a new screen protector placed on my phone since the old one had several scratches already. Now that I think about it, I feel like I just gave my phone a makeover because a few days ago, I also bought a new memory card for it haha.
Well, those are the things I bought for myself last night using my first salary. For today, I treated my mom and brother to a lunch date! We ate at a popular Korean restaurant here in the Philippines, BonChon. They specialize in chicken dishes and their foods taste great! They also have quite a wide range of offerings. After eating, we went to the department store to shop for new clothes. I bought a new pink blazer...
and 2 bras. My mom saw a cute yellow blouse and omg she looked like a kid asking me to buy it for her. And for my brother, I got him 3 pairs of socks. Then we went to the grocery where my brother and I munched on our favorite Korean ice creams while our mom was buying food supplies.
I'm really proud of myself for earning my first salary from my first ever job. With it, I was able to treat my family out to lunch and buy them what they wanted. And of course I was able to splurge myself by buying some of the things on my to-buy list! I'm pretty contented with all the things I bought for now. Next time, I'm going to buy shoes from Payless and H&M clothes for sure! But before that, I made a short and important note to self, "BUYING NEEDS AND WANTS IS GREAT, BUT DON'T FORGET TO SAVE!"
I nominated you for the Liebster Award Nomination, the questions are on my blog!x
Omg thank you!! Will check it out later since I'm at work now :)